Friday, April 13th, marked one month post op. Today, Sunday, April 16, 2012, I am weighing in at 216.8 pounds. Which means I have lost 39 pounds! I tried on a dress yesterday that I hadn't worn since before Samuel was born and it fit, that was a pleasant surprise.
I have heard that some people say that having bariatric surgery is the "easy way out." For me, at least, there hasn't been anything easy about this journey yet. Yes, losing the weight is great and there is something to be said for feeling like you are taking a proactive approach to your health, life and well being. However, this really is a life change, and not always an easy one.
People have asked me about feeling hungry or wanting to eat things that I can't. The truth is, for me, that I have to force my self to eat. The thought of eating is no longer enjoyable to me in the slightest. I would really be happy if I never had to see food again! :) I am never hungry. Ever. What does happen is that I feel like I have to eat because I know if I don't, I will be sick. So, it's more like the brain telling the body to eat versus the stomach. Learning to listen to my body and find a balance of the signals has proven difficult for me, but I am getting better at it. Not enough food= nausea, sugar drop and dry heaving. Too much= stomach pain, nausea & dry heaving. Sometimes, for me, getting it perfect still means nausea and dry heaving!
Nausea has proven to be my biggest enemy during this time. Currently I am on a double dose of nausea medication (one that they give chemo patients for nausea) and I am still in the bathroom at least once a day (if not more) dry heaving, sometimes violently, which makes me very sore and exhausted. I will be calling the doctor tomorrow about some more help with this. They have been great about helping me find a solution to get though this period, but we haven't yet found the winning combination.
I really had hoped to be further along in recovery by this point. I feel like I have had a rough time, although, I have not had any complications from surgery at all. According to the docs, everything I am going through is normal, although different for every person. Apparently, nausea can last 3 days or 3 months and there is not way to tell because each patient is different.
I have started walking with a friend four days a week. We walk for 30-40 minutes during her lunch break. Beyond that, I am still not leaving home regularly because I never know when I will be sick. Baby steps, I guess. The truth is, if the nausea and dry heaving would go away I would feel great!
I am very ready to feel good and normal again... or just NOT nauseous would be fantastic!