Sunday, October 13, 2013

What is PKD?

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a disorder in which clusters of cysts develop primarily within your kidneys. Cysts are noncancerous round sacs containing water-like fluid.
Polycystic kidney disease isn't limited to your kidneys, although the kidneys usually are the most severely affected organs. The disease can cause cysts to develop in your liver and elsewhere in your body.
A common complication of polycystic kidney disease is high blood pressure. Kidney failure is another common problem for people with polycystic kidney disease.
Polycystic kidney disease varies greatly in its severity, and some complications are preventable. Lifestyle changes and medical treatments may help reduce damage to your kidneys from complications, such as high blood pressure.  (The Mayo Clinic)

The Bucket List

There is something about being told by a doctor that you have to put "limits" on your life that makes you want to rip the limits off and do those things you have always wanted to do but haven't.  

I have known for about 11 years that I have polycystic kidney disease.  It wasn't until I lost over a hundred pounds did I realize how my kidneys had grown over that time.  After many, many tests, it seems that they aren't as bad as we thought they could be because of their size (about 10 lbs).  They are working pretty good.  Although, I still only have about 5 years + or - before I have to think about dialysis or transplantation.  5 years, though?  I will take it!  During that time, however long it lasts, I have decided to live life to the fullest and to stop putting off all of the things I have always wanted to do.

My motto:  I might have Polycystic Kidney Disease, but it doesn't have me!

So, I decided to put together a list (that I will keep adding to) of things that I want to do in the next five or so years. {in no particular order}

1.   Go skydiving. (Done.  August 24, 2013)
2.   Learn to ride a motorcycle.
3.   Buy a motorcycle.
4.   Go camping alone with Jason and with the family.
5.   Sing with a live band in public.
6.   Have one procedure that is purely cosmetic.
7.   Zip line at The Gorge.
8.   Learn to upholster furniture from a master.
9.   Have a store, pop up store or have a space at a show.
10. Take Sam white water rafting.
11. Take Sam to ride on a real train.
12. Run a 5k.
13. Ride cross country with Jason (on motorcycle) to visit my friends in California.
14. Have a large garden, harvest and can the veggies.
15. Go horseback riding in Western North Carolina with Maddie.
16. Take Sam to the zoo.
17. Have a spa day with the girls (hair, make up, massages, nails).
18. Teach Rin to cook.
19. Visit New York City with Jason.
20. Have some really great family photos made.

And for the BIG ones... ones that might not ever happen, I will make a separate list for 10 years out.

1.  Travel to Africa.
2.  Restore an old farmhouse.
3.  Restore an antique car and use it as a daily driver.
4.  Open a store in a little downtown.
5.  Go shopping in Paris with Lorrie.