It seems that everyone, mostly Christians, have an opinion on Magic Mike, particularly when it relates to the subject of Christian accountability. Although, the Internet, especially Facebook, has become a platform for opinion and conjecture, I haven't, until now, weighed in on this particular topic. It seems there are two schools of thought. First, there is the group that believes there is nothing wrong with Christian (women in this case) seeing movies with strippers and rated "R" material, it's entertainment only. One the other hand, you have those (again mostly Christian women) who are flabbergasted that any Christian women would watch such and believe that it is a sign of poor virtue and complete worldliness. Lastly, you have women from both groups that feel so strongly about their position (regardless of which side they choose) that are very public about justifying their own choice or belief, even some going as far as calling out other women, some in love, some not.
I suppose I fall somewhere in the middle of all of this. I think scripture can speak for itself, so let's look at a few about holiness and purity, to start.
"I will set no unclean thing before my eyes.", Psalm 101:3, and Philippians 4:7, 8 "Keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus... Whatsoever things are pure... if there be any virtue... think on these things."
A couple of examples here that I have seen used in reference to this topic. I think scripture is really clear about what it's saying here.
It seems to me the question then changes from "Should I watch Magic Mike?" and becomes more of a question of whether you feel that the material is impure, unclean or lacking in virtue. I don't believe that those questions we can answer for one another, but only ourselves.
A friend posted this on Facebook:
"This is not aimed towards anyone specifically, but I have to say I am VERY disappointed in how many Christian ladies that I know that are either reading 50 Shades of Gray or going to see Magic Mike. Ladies where are your Godly standards? Just because everyone else is doing it doesn't mean its OK for you to do it. Just ask yourself as you read the book or watch the movie is this something God would approve of if He were right beside me, does this honor God in any way?. Please reconsider your actions because you may be the only Jesus people see! OK I am stepping off of my soap box, just had to get that off of my chest!" M.R.
Another said this:
"Concerning Magic Mike and 50 seems to me the only important player in the equation is your spouse. No need to hold everyone you know (and don't know) accountable for things they never asked you to hold them accountable for :)" M.B.
In a way, I completely agree with both of them! Like I said, I am some where in the middle on this.
Finally, someone else posted this:
"I have never done this before, but since everyone else is allowed to express their opinion, I have the right to express mine as well! I am so tired of seeing people post things about Magic Mike and how sinful it is! If we are going to judge others for going to see a movie, then all of us need to take a long hard look in the mirror! I went to see magic mike last night and thought is was very entertaining! I am just thankful that God's judgment is the only judgment that matters. Every sin is the same in the eyes of God, whether it be having an affair, having a baby out of wedlock, cheating, stealing, or in this case, going to see Magic Mike!!!!!!
Judge, not that ye be not judged. For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
Matthew 7: 1,2 KJV" AL
Again, another quote with really great points!
So, here are my thoughts. :)
For me, I choose NOT to watch Magic Mike or read books like 50 Shades of Gray because I have a personal conviction from God about things like that. I am very careful about what I listen to, watch and read and I feel like this is important for me in my walk with God. I don't drink either. Do I believe drinking is wrong or sinful? No. However, it is something that God put on MY heart, so I choose to honor Him in that way.
That being said, I think it is very important for Christians not to play the Holy Spirit in peoples lives. It is not our jobs to decide what is sin for someone else or to convict people of sin. Just because the Spirit has spoken something to us personally, doesn't make it our job to make others live up to that standard. The Holy Spirit really doesn't need our help. :)
I love Jesus. I am a Christ follower. But, you know what.... I have tattoos. I cut my hair. I wear makeup. I wear pants and paint my toenails. ALL of those things are on some peoples spiritual "no no" list. But, you know what? I live by what God tells ME and what I feel to be right and honoring to God in my own heart and life.
I really want to encourage all you Christians out there to be careful not to judge others. We ALL have something in our life that displeases Jesus. Let's be like Jesus and show grace and mercy to others and let God handle His own business. :)
P.S.-- Regarding Facebook, keep speaking your convictions and heart! It makes us all think and come to terms with what we personally believe ourselves and I love that. :) SJ
"The plans of the mind and orderly thinking belong to man, but from the Lord comes the [wise] answer of the tongue.
All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the spirits (the thoughts and intents of the heart).
Roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and] so shall your plans be established and succeed."
Proverbs 16: 1-3 (Amplified)