People ask me, all the time, "are you glad you did it, " or, "would you do it again?" The answer to both of those questions is an overwhelming, "YES!"
The Good
Today, I had my 4 month (post surgery) check in with Weight Loss Services at Spartanburg Regional. It's official, I have lost 75 pounds! My second goal is met & that is a great feeling! They also measured me and I have now lost 10 inches off my waist.
The Bad
The weight loss has gotten slower these past few weeks, thankfully I haven't gained an ounce. I attribute it mostly to my new job where I sit on my behind all day long! (Side note: I might invest in an large exercise ball to sit on at my desk!) Nonetheless, I have a plan. When money is a little better, I am going to join Trinity Health & Fitness, which is where my friend Christiane goes. (Another side note, she has lost 140 pounds!-- she inspires me!). In the meantime, I am going to start getting in my Aunt June's pool 3 to 4 days a week after work. Not only is the pool good exercise, but it will be great on my ailing hip bones that seem to have turned against me.
The Ugly
The one thing that gastric bypass patients are always concerned about is losing our hair. When you drastically limit your food intake, you are also reducing your intake of things that your body really needs. Like protein, vitamins and minerals. Taking supplements is just an everyday part of life after bypass. I knew I wasn't getting enough protein. However, I have never been a big meat eater. I just don't care for it much. So, when my hair starting falling out in, what seemed to be, handfuls in the shower, it really freaked me out. Don't get me wrong, any of you probably wouldn't even notice. But, I do! My sweet husband even pointed out the "birds nest" of hair in the bathroom. So this week, Aunt June, cut some layers in my hair to make it look fuller, and now, you really can't tell at all. Thank God! When I was at the doctor today, we discussed it. Thankfully, I was told that the amount I have lost is normal for my post op time. I was assured that if I keep my protein intake up, it won't get any worse. So, just to be safe, I purchased high protein shakes to compensate for my lack of meat consumption. Who wants to be thin if you have to be bald, right? :)
And speaking of ugly, let's leave the loose skin issue for another day!
Love to you all.
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