Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Jesus Left Me in Hobby Lobby

The word says, in James 5:16, to confess your sins, one to another.  But, don't get it twisted, this blog post is not a sermon.  In fact, there isn't a whole lot "holy" about it, as you will find...

Today, Monday, October 6th, 2014, I had dialysis, like I do every Monday, Wednesday & Friday.  Dialysis is hard, hard on the body and makes you exhausted in ways that people don't understand.  I am always so hungry when I get off of the machine.  But, this blog post isn't about that either.  So...

When I got off of dialysis today I felt okay, but was very weary and puny feeling.  Sam had been with Jason for a couple of days and I was really missing him, so I stopped by the school to see him for a few minutes before Jason took him home.  I, at this point, still haven't eaten & I had the bright idea to stop at Hobby Lobby on my way home to buy some feathers for a mask I am making for an upcoming masquerade.  I thought to myself, "I really should just go home and eat."  "But," I told myself, "I'll be quick, then I won't have to go tomorrow."  So, I go to the feathers, look around a bit, gather a few things and proceed to check out.  And that is when this story turns bad...

The young girl at the counter is ringing up my items, when I look over her shoulder and see a woman, with her arms crossed (with two teenage children), who is noticeably upset.  She looks at the girl who is helping me and rakes her over the coals.  Apparently, this lady is from Tennessee and was passing through South Carolina.  She (I learned all of this from her rant.) had called the store from the interstate with a sku number for a product that she wanted to purchase.  She was told by someone on the phone that said item was, in fact, in stock.  However, when she got to the store, the item was not there.  She continued to go on and on.  She belittled my cashier.  Notice here, that I am starting to take ownership of the girl.  All of a sudden, I had had it!  The angry woman is standing within five feet of me, at this point.  I looked up at my cashier and said (in a very sarcastic tone), "You know, you would think if something was important enough to drive from Tennessee for, it might be important enough to be NICE about?"  Angry lady took a deep breathe, stepped back and gave me that Southern look that says, "Well, I never..!" Her children looked like they were about to see us go at it!  I was so mad, I could have snatched her hair out of her head.  

It was then that I saw Jesus.  Yes, Jesus, who had come into Hobby Lobby with me, got His bags and said, "Imma just tip on out and meet you outside."  So there I stood, alone in Hobby Lobby listening to the Christian music playing a melody, a backdrop of what I am sure had to be "Amazing Grace," or something equally as perfect.  I was happy I didn't have on a "Jesus" pin or had just been overheard saying how much God meant to me!  

I looked at the cashier and said, "I'm sorry you have to put up with being treated like that. Have a nice day." I got my bags and left.  When I got back outside, Jesus was there waiting on me, with His head hanging down.  He said to me, "She is you.  You are her."  

I immediately thought, "God, I'm sorry. I had dialysis today!  I couldn't help it..."  Then it hit me.  What did that lady have going on in her life?  Why was she so ill and snappy?  Why was she traveling?  She could have been making a wreath for a loved ones funeral? 

Alright, Alright!  I was ashamed.  Not because the angry lady didn't deserve that.  She did deserve it.  However, I have come to know that one of the most beautiful things about our God is that we rarely get what we really deserve.  He is good.  He is faithful.  He is kind, compassionate and full of Grace.  

Today, I was not any of those things.  I was rude and quick tempered.  So, lady, whoever you are, where ever you are... I'm sorry that I was so quick to judge you & so slow to give you grace.  I don't know why you were traveling or what was going on in your life.  Whatever it is, that "last thing" that set your off, probably was more than you could deal with in that moment today.  I, just as you do, have to learn my limits.  Learn to trust God fully and give Him everything!  

 "And become useful and helpful and kind to one another, tenderhearted (compassionate, understanding, loving-hearted), forgiving one another [readily and freely], as God in Christ forgave you." Ephesians 4:32

We are all in this together.  Let us be NICE! Let us be known for our goodness, self control, love and patience.  Of course, now, I am just preachin' to myself...{insert white hanky waving here!}.  

Love to all-- Susan.

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