Monday, August 18, 2014

Dear Samuel (5k),

One, two, three little freckles on the end of your nose...  I counted them one night while you slept.  I was watching you.  Examining your sweet face by the light of the moon.  You were beautiful, your eyelashes curling up off of your face.  Your lips perfect and just like your Papa Jack's.  That night, one that shall remain in my mind forever, was at the beginning of this fateful Summer.  So much has changed for us, my little one.  Today was your first day of school.  When you were born, my tiny preemie, I dreamed that you would make it to this day.  I prayed and believed God that you would live.  I am reminded today, which is also your Papa Jack's birthday, of how immeasurably blessed I am.  Blessed, even as sick as I am and have been, just to be alive to watch you grow.  You have brought joy and purpose to my life and a love to my heart that I had never known.  It is my prayer for you that you grow into a man of honor, full of love and compassion.  A man who loves God and his family.  Because of where God has brought you from I know that He hears & will answer my prayer.  I am so proud of you, Samuel.  I no longer beg God to let you live.  I have learned to trust Him with your life and am learning to trust Him with mine.

