Monday, May 21, 2012

Eating Out- Chick-fil-a Saves the Day!

Having a gastric bypass changes your life in many way.  One way, the biggest way, is what you can and can not eat, portions and sugar intake.  More than a little (about 5 grams) will making you violently ill.  Plus, if you have gone though everything to get where you can eat real food again, you don't want to sabotage yourself by eating foods that will stop your weight loss.  

Enter Chick-fil-a!  Chick-fil-a has started offering grilled chicken nuggets in their kids meal!   Add in the fruit cup option (instead of fries) and sway out the soda for a milk, or in my case, a diet lemonade (sugar free) and you have yourself a great, size appropriate meal on the go!    To top it all off, you get all this for a little over $3 and in my case it took me two sittings to finish it. 

On another note:  I weighed this morning, the first time in about a week, and I met my second weight loss goal- UNDER 200 lbs.  I weighed in at 198, a weight I haven't seen in over 6 years.  That is about 59 pounds lost.  

A big thank you to Chick-fil-a for making it easier and tasty! 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

2 Months Later- 53 Pounds Down!

I just got back home from my 2 month check in with Dr. Ross.  I must say, after everything I was going though last time I saw him, I, today, have NO complaints! I am down 53 pounds. :)

This time a month ago I was dry heaving so violently and so often that I seriously, at times, thought I would die.  I was so sick that when I was finished I would lay in my bed and cry! Come to find out after going in for an EDG (where they go down your throat with a light) and countless medications and calls in to the office, that it was MILK! Dr. Ross found out during the EDG that I had an ulcerated incision (inside) which was causing me to crave milk.  So, I was drinking a LOT of it because it was the only thing I could get down.  My cousin, who had the surgery years ago, told me that she couldn't drink milk any more, which promoted me to try to go off of it and see if that helped.  I was so desperate at that point, I would have done anything! So, I went off of milk for a few days and voilĂ !  I was not sick or nauseous at all.  Of course, I had to test this out and try one glass of milk, just to me sure.  I did and that whole day I was back to being sick.  What a relief to find out the source of my problem-- lactose intolerance!

Now that I am well, I just have to get my blood pressure meds adjusted so I don' t get light headed when I move too much.  Then, I am going to start working toward my first exercise goal of running a 5K!  I'll  keep you posted.